Modulname |
Kritische Ansätze zur Bewältigung der Herausforderungen in der globalen Welt (Critical Approaches to the challenges of the global world) (UNIC - University of Deusto) |
Gebiet |
Profil |
Profil International
Profil Freie Studien
Profil Zukunft
CPs |
5 CP |
Campus |
Hier geht
es zum Vorlesungsverzeichnis |
Voraussetzungen |
The module is held in English. A good knowledge of English is therefore a prerequisite for participation in the module. |
Besonderheiten |
Attendance in virtual classes is mandatory. Students that miss more than 1/3 of the sessions will lose the opportunity for evaluation during the ordinary period. Weekly exercises, Group-based project on alternatives, final exam |
Blockseminar |
Nein |
Vorkenntnisse |
The module is held in English. A good knowledge of English is therefore a prerequisite for participation in the module. |
Veranstaltungszeit |
siehe eCampus. |
Dozenten |
siehe eCampus. |
Arbeitsaufwand |
TN-Plätze: 9/55
Termin der ersten Sitzung:
September, 9, 2024 at 17:30 CEST
For registration please fill out nomination form till 30.06.2024:
After successful registration, please send an email with registration confirmation to This is necessary so that registration in Campus can take place after successful completion of the module.
Zusammensetzung der Endnote:
The achievement of general (30%) and specific (70%) competences will be assessed jointly through the following procedures:
● Weekly exercises 30%
● Group-based project on alternatives 30%
● Final exam 40%
Attendance in virtual classes is mandatory. Students that miss more than 1/3 of the sessions will lose the opportunity for evaluation during the ordinary period.
Prüfungstermin: N/A |
Literatur |
Bauman, Z. (2001). The ethical challenge of globalization. New Perspectives Quarterly, 18(4).
Berkhout, E., Galasso, N., Morales, P. A. R., Taneja, A., & Pimental, D. A. V. (2021). The inequality virus: Bringing together a world torn apart by coronavirus through a fair, just and sustainable economy.
Democracy at the crossroads | Global Challenges. (2019, 25 marzo). Global Challenges.
Globalisation: The danger of safe spaces | Global Challenges. (2022, 18 noviembre). Global Challenges. the-danger-of-safe-spaces/
Historical foundations of human rights and contemporary crises | Global Challenges. (2022, 1 abril). Global Challenges. contemporary-crises/
Hendricks, V. F., & Vestergaard, M. (2018). The post-factual democracy. En Springer eBooks (pp. 103-117).
Human rights in flux: New directions beyond universalism | Global Challenges. (2022, 6 abril). Global Challenges. rights-beyond-the-end-of-universalism/
Maalouf, A. (1996). In the name of identity – Violence and the need to belong. New York: Penguin Books.
Parekh, B. (1999). What is multiculturalism? Conference given at “Multiculturalism: A symposium on democracy in culturally diverse societies” on December 1999 (#484).
Parekh, B. (2005). Unity and diversity in multicultural societies. Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies.
Pollman, A. (2008). Human rights and human dignity. En Filosofía de los derechos humanos: problemas y tendencias de actualidad (Serie Justicia Global No. 1, pp. 1-20). Lima: Instituto de Democracia y Derechos Humanos de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Sen, A. (1980). Equality of what. The Tanner Lecture on Human Values, 197-220.
Singh, P., & Bajwa, A. (2023). Who is responsible for the climate crisis? A perspective from the global south. International Critical Thought, 13(3), 429-444.
Sousa Santos, B. (2006). Globalizations. Theory, Culture & Society, 23(2–3), 393– 399.
The rise of inequality and its contested meanings | Global Challenges. (2021, 19 abril). Global Challenges. and-its-contested-meanings/
Transnational flows in the digital era | Global Challenges. (2019, 26 marzo). Global Challenges. transnational-flows-in-the-digital-era/
World Inequality Report 2022. (2023, 13 marzo). The World Inequality Report 2022 presents the most up-to-date & complete data on inequality worldwide. |
Modulteil |
siehe eCampus. |
Modultyp |
Profil Freie Studien, Profil International, Profil Zukunft |
Modulanbieter |
University of Deusto |
Inhalt |
Teil 1 und 2: Critical Approaches to the challenges of the global world: Dates will be announced shortly
The aim of this module is to take a critical look at changes in the global world. The following topics will be covered:
Reflective horizon: human rights as a universal ethical criterion to a global scenario.
Globalization: opportunities and threats: introduction to a global world (order vs. disorder). Dimensions and Consequences (economic, political, sociocultural, technological, and environmental)
Human Rights: historical contextualization, the problem of foundation, characteristics, protection and promotion systems, and gender and Human Rights.
Analysis of the leading global challenges and the alternatives from civil society.
Inequality and poverty: clarification of concepts, historical evolution of poverty and inequality, alternatives from social economy, and ethical analysis.
Migrations and management of cultural and religious diversity: social map of the evolution and magnitude of migrations, the challenge of coexistence, critical balance of different models to manage cultural diversity.
iii. Climatechangeandecologicalcrisis:economicfoundation,climate justice, responsibilities on climate change, critical approximations to environmental conscience.
iv. Democracy on the crisis, political conflicts, and violent outcomes: democracy as Government, threats to democracy, global perspectives on democracy, technology, and media's impact on democracy. |
Lernziele |
Diversity and interculturality:
Understand and accept social and cultural diversity as an enriching element on both the personal and collective levels.
Foster coexistence among people without falling into sex, age, religious, social, political, or ethnic discriminations.
Accept and understand cultural and social affiliations as structural, volitive, and reasonable relations of the human condition.
Understand that diversity is an inherent characteristic of the human being.
Ethical Sense:
Cultivate the moral good of oneself or others positively (that means, to everything which is or means good, personal realization, sense of justice) and persist in it.
Identify, recognize, and apply moral character and ethical principles.
Reflect on new perspectives critically, even if this means bringing them into
question. |