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Ergebnisse (13)

Modulname Profil CP Voraussetzungen Besonderheiten
Anthropology of Finland (UNIC) Profil International Profil Freie Studien 5 CP
Continuous assessment. No previous knowledge about the topic is needed.
TN-Plätze: 7/30 Termin der ersten Sitzung: Thu 13.01.2022 09:15-11:00, online Anmeldung: You m...
Basics of Forest Economics (UNIC) Profil Liberal Arts Education Profil International Profil Freie Studien 5 CP
Basic of mathematics Basic using of MS Excel or similar tool The module is held in English, so suf...
TN-Plätze: 10/30 Participant places Termin der ersten Sitzung: October 14th, 2021 at 10am ECT Onl...
Building Business Through Creativity and Collaboration (UNIC) Profil Praxis Profil International Profil Freie Studien 5 CP
The module is held in English, so sufficient language skills are required. Students from any field a...
TN-Plätze: 15/40 Termin der ersten Sitzung: 14.3.2022, online, exact time will be given later...
Communication Skills (UNIC) Profil Praxis Profil International Profil Freie Studien 5 CP
Not applicable. The module is held in English, so sufficient language skills are required.
TN-Plätze: 15/650 Participant places Termin der ersten Sitzung: 04.10.2021, online, (livestream l...
Entrepreneurial assignment on emerging technologies: blockchains (UNIC) Profil International Profil Freie Studien 5 CP
Not applicable. The module is held in English, so sufficient language skills are required.
TN-Plätze: 20/20 Termin der ersten Sitzung: Starts individually by arrangement with the instructo...
Entrepreneuring for Sustainability (UNIC) Profil Liberal Arts Education Profil International Profil Freie Studien 5 CP
The module is taught in English. Knowledge of English is therefore a prerequisite for participation...
TN-Plätze: 10/40 Participant places Termin der ersten Sitzung: Tue 02.11.2021 13:15-17:00 (CET),...
Environmental Chemistry and Ecology (UNIC) Profil Liberal Arts Education Profil International Profil Freie Studien 5 CP
Not applicable. The module is held in English, so sufficient language skills are required.
TN-Plätze: 10/20 Participant places Termin der ersten Sitzung: 7.2.2022 – 1.4.2022 (exact times t...
Exercising Entrepreneurship (UNIC) Profil Liberal Arts Education Profil International Profil Freie Studien 5 CP
Not applicable. The module is held in English, so sufficient language skills are required.
TN-Plätze: 15/60 Participant places Termin der ersten Sitzung: 03.11.2021, online Anmeldung:...
Improvisation im Theater Profil Praxis Profil International Profil Freie Studien 5 CP
Nachweis des vollständigen Corona-Impfschutzes. Englischkenntnisse für die internationale Zusammenar...
Teilnehmerplätze:  5 Termin der 1. Sitzung:  14.9. um 16.15 Uhr per Zoom Prüfungstermin:  Präsentati...
Quality Management (UNIC) Profil Praxis Profil International Profil Freie Studien 5 CP
There are no pre-conditions from other courses except basic knowledge of descriptive statistics. The...
TN-Plätze: 5/20 Participant places Termin der ersten Sitzung: 21.10.2021, 10.00-14.00, online...
Rights of Minorities in Europe (UNIC) Profil Liberal Arts Education Profil International Profil Freie Studien 5 CP
Students enrolling the course should be enrolled in the final years of the legal studies and prefera...
TN-Plätze: 10/20 Participant places Termin der ersten Sitzung: 01.03.2022, online, from 1PM to 3....
Social work in virtual environment (UNIC) Profil Praxis Profil International Profil Freie Studien 5 CP
Not applicable. The module is held in English, so sufficient language skills are required.
TN-Plätze: 20/25 Participant places Termin der ersten Sitzung: 10th March 2022. 13.00-16.00, onli...
Technological Production Management (UNIC) Profil Praxis Profil International Profil Freie Studien 5 CP
Software for business and production management The module is held in English, so sufficient langua...
TN-Plätze: 5/15 Participant places Termin der ersten Sitzung: Beginning of october. The exact dat...